CORBA Component Model Tools

The CCM Tools are a set of Java programs and C++ libraries that supports the development of components, based on a subset of the CORBA Component Model (CCM). The CCM Tools form a component development framework that is flexible and extensible.


22.May.2007 : teiniker

We have released CCM Tools 0.9-20070522 (another pre-release).
Now, there are Ant tasks for ccmtools generators and Java idlj.

13.Mar.2007 : teiniker

We have released CCM Tools 0.9-20070313 (pre-release).
This new version supports modeling and generation of component assemblies in Java and C++ (thanks to Robert).

8.Sep.2006 : teiniker

We have released CCM Tools 0.7.1

29.Aug.2006 : teiniker

We have presented a paper called "Model-typed Component Interfaces" at the 32nd EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA2006) in Cavtat/Dubrovnik, Croatia. This paper describes our work about modeling interfaces parameters as an extension to pure syntactical interface definitions.